| new year's eve day The tap, Close my eyes and flow. Allegory. The velvet rimmed memories of new years signal something scary. There's a wolf in the woods, picking off the sheep one by one by one. The villagers are in an uproar; limp wrested homosexuals are prancing around in argyle sweaters, designer jeans, teacup poodles and impossibly straight posture. Little Chinese people slanging chicken feet and weird black skinned birds. Naked without feathers, observed from behind knock off sunglasses. Cracked out bums with milk in their beards, crazy people yelling sensible things, Woman in pant suits, Filipino barbers, compelling trannies, coffee shops, x rated cigar bars, plastic bags floating in the marina, hipsters with mustaches, homeless people with Ipods, ambulances drunk dialing in the night, cosmopolitans here don't come with twists or a cherry, embarrassed, clumsy rock n roll type lifestyle, fernet, chartreuse and Jameson blackouts, t-shirt weather in December despite the violent mood swings of a dreary forecast, hills, cable cars and couriers, feeling old, glasses and stretching out the back, glossies of bright eyed naked Asian girls getting shuffled in with bank statements in Chinese, sourdough bread smell and Dungeness crab, lost tourist, lost evenings in a hotel room, lost souls, living on empty under the sun a bright smiling calamity. The beat of the city, the beatest Last but not least me and in the new year I'm one of them. I can't take it with me and I can't live forever. Living the dream even if it's on empty. Telling everyone I meet about my sweet little Santa Fe, Raves, cowboys and king George Listening to new music, experimenting with sweaters Driving myself sane. – Going for kicks, ending up with bruises, blah blah blah Bygones becoming be gones becoming… In short a love letter penned with stolen sips of whisky, ginger ale on my breath Tasting persphephone's pomegranate Juices running down the sides of my mouth And tracing my fathers' footsteps. Howling at the moon. |
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